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Life can be better - perspective of a Career Coach 9 years on
Recovery after leaving a stressful job - facilitating a sustainable approach to career change
Rediscovering the importance of rest: a journey with About The Adventure
Learning the craft of writing with author of 'The Search' - Paul Besley
Is there a mountain that has changed your life?
Can tarot help with making changes in your life? - Career change with Jessica Sinclair
Are you prepared to sacrifice your life for your job? - Career Change with Ranaa Farooq
The small things are the big things - Career change interview with Andy Mort
Will you join me on this new adventure?
Is it worth retraining for a different career? - Peter Morton at RedOakBushcrafts
Turning your hobby into a career - Jessica Snape-Burns at Amerron Acres
Career coaching outside with Sarah Lister - About The Adventure
Stephen Reid's Journey into Filmmaking
A walk back in time - inspired by Sheffield painter Stanley Royle
Have you ever wondered why?
Career change with Louise Earnshaw - Life outside of a classroom
Coaching sessions
Coaching Scheme
Gift voucher
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